The DeFi Pulse
ETF Make or Break
Privacy and Security in a Decentralized World
DeFi: The Roadmap to mass adoption

We are still early

Our Digital Asset Portfolios are coming soon! In the meantime, sharpen your skills in our Strategy Competitions or join our Digital Asset Fund waitlist today. Stay ahead of the game!

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Bear in mind that we favour applicants who are active in our community.

$MC2Fi Tokenomics

Read more about our token.

Read our whitepaper

Token Name $MC2FI

IDO scheduled for Fall 2024

Launchpad Partners

Magic Square
Ape Terminal
Chain GPT
+1.5M Community Announcing Soon
+800k Community Announcing Soon

Token Distribution

Token Utility

Driving Ecosystem Engagement and Value

Payment Tokens

All fees are turned into $MC2Fi tokens before sent to our partners

Proof of Liquidity

Strategists can build true on-chain reputations, demonstrating their expertise and expanding their reach based on actual performance metrics.

Stake Into Experts

Receive a share of their revenues and the protocol revenues. And exclusive access to content.

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